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A.R. Mazzotta Employment Specialists  
Looking for an energetic customer service representative with some Sales knowledge. Duties include helping with phones, assisting clients, data entry, scheduling, and dispatching This is a first...   Read More
Posted on: 07/26/2024
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Location:  Cape Coral, FL

2Customer Service Representative
A.R. Mazzotta Employment Specialists  
Customer Service Representative duties and responsibilities A Customer Service Representative's duty is to support customers. This main responsibility covers lots of duties, such as: * Providing...   Read More
Posted on: 07/26/2024
Published by:
Location:  Cape Coral, FL

3Customer Service/Sales
A.R. Mazzotta Employment Specialists  
What does a Customer Service Representative do? A Customer Service Representative works with clients who have complaints, orders, or require information about products/services purchased from the...   Read More
Posted on: 07/26/2024
Published by:
Location:  Cape Coral, FL

Displaying Jobs: 1 through 3 of 3